
As pre-workout supplements become more popular, we explore their list of ingredients and find out how they work.

Pre-workout supplements help improve athletic performance by boosting energy levels, but with many different options available, it’s hard to choose the one that works for you.

Below we explore a list of ingredients typically found in pre-workouts, their effectiveness and possible side effects.

1. Caffeine

Caffeine is one of the most popular pre-workout ingredients.

It increases metabolic rate, improves endurance, and reduces fatigue.

Additionally, it also stimulates the central nervous system, which enhances brain function.

Moreover, this produces a more productive workout because your body is getting a boost of energy.

However, too much caffeine can have negative side effects like jitteriness and dehydration.

To get the best results, consume in low to moderate doses (about 3 grams per kilogram of body weight).

If you weigh 150 pounds (68 kilograms), this equates to around 200 mg – equal to two cups of coffee.

2. Creatine

Creatine is one of the most popular bodybuilding supplements, and is backed by an increasing body of evidence.

It is made from amino acids that give quick bursts of energy, helping those who like sprinting or powerlifting.

Accordingly, creatine supplements are effective in promoting muscle growth, strength, and performance for high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Even so, taking creatine might promote occasional stomachaches.

Try 5 grams taken over a 5 to 7 day cycle, with a rest of 7 to 14 days before starting the cycle again.

3. L-Arginine

L-arginine is an amino acid naturally which the body naturally produces and is necessary for protein synthesis.

However, as we age the body produces less of it.

L-arginine promotes nitric oxide production, a compound that relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow and oxygen exchange.

This helps get oxygen flowing in the body, which helps with stamina.

Try taking 500 to 1,000 mg daily.

pre-workout4. B-alanine

β-alanine, or beta-alanine, is an amino acid that promotes nerve signal function.

Studies suggest that supplementation can delay neuromuscular fatigue and, therefore, enhances athletic performance.

Side effects include occasional overstimulated nerve cells, which can cause tingling sensations known as paresthesia.

Side effects vary by dose.

5. Taurine

Taurine is an amino acid found in the brain, muscles, and organ tissues.

It works as a neurotransmitter and stabilizes cell membranes, which regulates nutrient transport through the body.

Taurine plays a key role in metabolic function, but there is conflicting evidence as to whether it improves athletic performance.

6. Betaine

An amino acid, Betaine helps process fat and maintain normal liver function.

Betaine supplements can improve body composition, muscle size, and work capacity.

However, while improving power, betaine didn’t appear to increase strength.

How Effective Are Pre-Workout Supplements?

Pre-workout supplements can increase blood flow to the muscles during high-intensity workouts.

According to the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, pre-workout supplements containing amino acids can improve recovery.

However, some don’t help improve performance or build muscle.

Luckily, Elements of Health Care offers various supplements that are both safe and effective.

For example, L-arginine Plus contains ingredients proven to help build muscle by flushing out unnecessary fat while retaining muscle.

Start your path to a healthier you by taking the safe and effective L-arginine Plus.

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